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Problems In The Digital World Today

Net Neutrality

Net-neutrality is the idea that all data on the internet should be treated equally when it comes to upload and download speeds. This idea makes it so large corporations can not pay internet companies to make the speeds to rivals websites slower. This also protects the consumer by stopping the internet companies from slowing down speeds on the cheaper internet plans and forcing consumers to buy a "better deal" which is just the same speeds they used before.

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Digital Divide

The digital divide is the lack of internet in rural communties which holds them back from entering the digital world. This digital divide makes a differenece in schools in cities with internet and high speeds compared to schools in the more rural areas which have slow speeds or no internet at all. This means that schools in rural areas are forced to use outdated technologies to educate their students and makes it harder for students to find help for the questions they may have outside of school hours

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Internet Censorship

Internet Censorship is the idea that just as newspapers and literature are censored to prevent inappropriate ideas which are not user-friendly. More often than not though this idea of "protecting the people" is used to censor ideas which are not kind to a regime or supporting new ideas which could help the people but hurt the state. China is one of the worst offenders when it comes to internet censorship because they have blocked Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and many other popular websites and social media services. They do this because people can use these sites to spread information about the corrupt and dictatorial regime which denies rights to any citizen who refuses to bow down to their government

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